I first heard about Github pages from my friend Matt whilst looking for a place to host a blog for free that I could use to document my progress on various projects. As I wanted to be able to produce content using my Windows based laptop I initially followed a guide by @juthilo which worked really well. The only point at which I found this guide lacking is for if you plan to use pygments for syntax highlighting. When posting samples of code, I found initially that pygments wasn’t working despite being installed sucessfully. After visiting the pygments website I found that I needed to generate a stylesheet first.
I first used the following code in the Python command line to check which styles were already installed:
>>> from pygments.styles import STYLE_MAP
>>> STYLE_MAP.keys()
From the list this provided I selected paraiso-dark, based on some experimentation on the pygments website. Having selected my style of preference I then needed to generate my CSS stylesheet. To do this I put the following line into the command prompt:
pygmentize -S style -f html >output.css
Where “style” is the name of the style obtained earlier and “output.css” is the output file.
The majority of the rest of the blog was produced using the documentation on Jekyll and Bootstrap in conjuction with the Andrew Munsell tutorial. The search bar was modified from Dave Taylor’s site whilst the tag and category search function was modified from Alex Pearce’s site. Finally, the next and previous post buttons were adapted from David Elbe’s site and my favicon was generated using Favic-o-matic.
As you can see, most of the elements of this blog have been cannibalised from other people’s sites. However, being new to HTML, CSS and Javascript, it has been fun learning experience to adapt them to my needs and make them all work together.
Copyright Javan Cook 2022